元胞自动机(Cellular Automata,CA)
包含的基本要素: \(A=(L,d,S,N,f)\) \(L\)为元胞空间,\(d\)为元胞自动机内元胞空间的维数,\(S\)是元胞有限的、离散的状态集合,\(N\)为某个领域内所有元胞的集合,\(f\)为局部映射或局部规则,也即每个元胞与周围元胞间的相互作用。
- 定义元胞的初始状态。
- 定义系统内元胞的变化规则\(f\)。
- 设置仿真时间,输出仿真结果。
生命游戏,Conway’s Game of Life,1970,康威
clc, clf, clear plotbutton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton', ... 'String','Run', ... 'FontSize', 12, ... 'Position', [100, 400, 50, 20], ... 'Callback', 'run=1;'); erasebutton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton', ... 'String', 'Stop', ... 'FontSize', 12, ... 'Position', [180, 400, 50, 20], ... 'Callback', 'freeze=1;'); quitbutton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton', ... 'String', 'Quit', ... 'FontSize', 12, ... 'Position', [260, 400, 50, 20], ... 'Callback', 'stop=1; close;'); resetbutton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton', ... 'String', 'Reset', ... 'FontSize', 12, ... 'Position', [340, 400, 50, 20], ... 'Callback', 'reset=1;'); number = uicontrol("Style",'Text', ... 'String', '1', ... 'FontSize', 12, ... 'Position', [20, 400, 50, 20]); n = 128; z = zeros(n, n); sum = z; cells = (rand(n, n) < .2); imh = image(cat(3, cells, z, z)); axis equal axis tight x = 2:n-1; y = 2:n-1; stop = 0; run = 0; freeze = 0; reset = 0; while (stop == 0) if (run == 1) sum(x, y) = cells(x, y-1) + cells(x, y+1) + ... cells(x-1, y) + cells(x+1,y) + ... cells(x-1, y-1) + cells(x-1,y+1) + ... cells(3:n, y-1) + cells(x+1,y+1); cells = (sum == 3) | (sum == 2 & cells); set(imh, 'cdata', cat(3, cells, z, z)) stepnumber = 1 + str2num(get(number, 'string')); set(number, 'string', num2str(stepnumber)); end if (freeze == 1) run = 0; freeze = 0; end if (reset == 1) run = 0; reset = 0; cells = (rand(n, n) < .2); set(imh, 'cdata', cat(3, cells, z, z)); set(number, 'string', num2str(1)); end drawnow end
兰顿蚂蚁,Langton’s ant,兰顿,2000
while (stop == 0) randx = mod(randx, n); randy = mod(randy, n); if randx == 0 randx = n; end if randy == 0 randy = n; end if (run == 1) if (cells(randx, randy) == 0) direction = direction + 1; if (direction > 4) direction = 1; end else direction = direction - 1; if (direction < 1) direction = 4; end end cells(randx, randy) = 1 - cells(randx, randy); randx = randx + dx(direction); randy = randy + dy(direction); set(imh, 'cdata', cat(3, cells, z, z)) stepnumber = 1 + str2num(get(number, 'string')); set(number, 'string', num2str(stepnumber)); end if (freeze == 1) run = 0; freeze = 0; end if (reset == 1) run = 0; reset = 0; cells = z; randx = ceil(rand() * n); randy = ceil(rand() * n); direction = ceil(rand() * 4); set(imh, 'cdata', cat(3, cells, z, z)); set(number, 'string', num2str(1)); end drawnow end
while (stop == 0) while (escaped < m) if (run == 1) [xs, ys, vals] = sortXYVal(xs, ys, vals); % student near the exit should be operated first for i=1:m if (status(i) == 1) continue end students(xs(i), ys(i)) = 0; [nextx, nexty, nextStatus] = findNextStep(xs(i), ys(i), val, students, n); xs(i) = nextx; ys(i) = nexty; status(i) = nextStatus; if (status(i) == 0) students(xs(i), ys(i)) = 1; else escaped = escaped + 1; end end set(imh, 'cdata', cat(3, 1 - students, 1 - cells, 1 - cells)) stepnumber = 1 + str2num(get(number, 'string')); set(number, 'string', num2str(stepnumber)); end if (freeze == 1) run = 0; freeze = 0; end if (reset == 1) run = 0; reset = 0; students = cells; status = zeros(m); escaped = 0; [xs, ys, vals] = initStudent(m, n, val); for i=1:length(xs) students(xs(i), ys(i)) = 1; end set(imh, 'cdata', cat(3, 1 - students, 1 - cells, 1 - cells)) set(number, 'string', num2str(1)); end drawnow end disp(['escaped rounds' num2str(stepnumber)]) run = 0; escaped = 0; end